Hello everybody,
Thanks for the plentitude of information on here.
I wish I had come here years prior, but my situation is fairly straight forward, I think.
I am a Canadian and resident of Canada. I have a corporation here that has done well and now I am done with living here and no longer want to conduct business here.
Politics, livelihood, weather, and taxes having me seeking residence and conducting business elsewhere.
I would like to setup an offshore business somewhere and keep further money out of canada. My business is all online, so it is a matter of shifting to new accounts elsewhere in the world.
I'm looking for residency in the Caribbean / US and a way to keep more of the money earned in a bank somewhere with minimal taxes and dip into it when needed.
I'm sure there are plenty of channels to handle this, but that just adds to the confusion.
Looking for insight into getting something established.
Thanks everybody!
Hope I can contribute later as I learn more.
Thanks for the plentitude of information on here.
I wish I had come here years prior, but my situation is fairly straight forward, I think.
I am a Canadian and resident of Canada. I have a corporation here that has done well and now I am done with living here and no longer want to conduct business here.
Politics, livelihood, weather, and taxes having me seeking residence and conducting business elsewhere.
I would like to setup an offshore business somewhere and keep further money out of canada. My business is all online, so it is a matter of shifting to new accounts elsewhere in the world.
I'm looking for residency in the Caribbean / US and a way to keep more of the money earned in a bank somewhere with minimal taxes and dip into it when needed.
I'm sure there are plenty of channels to handle this, but that just adds to the confusion.
Looking for insight into getting something established.
Thanks everybody!
Hope I can contribute later as I learn more.