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Need advice on a shopping cart


Offshore Agent
Jan 6, 2009
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My current store is running on oscommerce and it is extrememly modified. It is the old version 2004 and would like to upgrade to something more up to date. I was looking at upgrading it to the latest cre loaded version but the seo contribution I have installed is different from the one that cre loaded uses and therefore I would lose all my seo effort.

Since I will be losing all the seo anyways I started looking at other carts such as magento, cubecart, cs-cart and so on. I'm stuck on deciding which way to go. I could alternatly also upgrade to version 6.2 of cre and install the old oscommerce contribution and I wouldn't lose my links but that in the future if I ever want to upgrade again I will be faced with the same issues.
I've been in a similar situation as yourself, but instead of using OSC I went originally with CRELoaded. There have been some bugs in CRELoaded 6.2 and when I betatested 6.3 these bugs still haden't been fixed. So I decided to find a new cart before my store is too big. (I really would like to avoid transfering 2-3000 customers at a later moment.)

I tested several of the open source carts, but it seems to me these are bit too unfitting for me. Magento is too resource demanding, Zencart lack some features, etc.

The one that fitted me best was CS-cart, which I have been testing through the last 2 months. It seems to be perfect for my use, and I've decided to use it for my store.

Speaking of CRELoaded; some of the main reasons for me leaving CRE behind is the lack of bug fixing, the new license (I bought the 6.2, and when they launched 6.3 they changed it and I now have to pay 180$ for updates,) and the customer service. I don't want to be with a company that delete any critical posts about CRELoaded in the forum.