Any advice where to look for new income sources during stagflation times ?
Myself i was prepared for these times to lose all my income in europe by having big digital income sources mainly from russia which i predicted to be the major winner of the whole transformation.
However something happend which i totaly didn't preview which is the creation of blocks making the income from russian viewers or buyers for anyone being in western countries nearly impossible.
Even youtube banned 100% of income from russian viewers.
This was my remote plan income when having to move outside of europe.
Now i created some new income based on europe since i sold all my RE there but i know they are only very short term because of the big stagflation.
Any ideas advice where to look at where you can generate income remotly not based on income from western countries like US/Europe ?
Myself i was prepared for these times to lose all my income in europe by having big digital income sources mainly from russia which i predicted to be the major winner of the whole transformation.
However something happend which i totaly didn't preview which is the creation of blocks making the income from russian viewers or buyers for anyone being in western countries nearly impossible.
Even youtube banned 100% of income from russian viewers.
This was my remote plan income when having to move outside of europe.
Now i created some new income based on europe since i sold all my RE there but i know they are only very short term because of the big stagflation.
Any ideas advice where to look at where you can generate income remotly not based on income from western countries like US/Europe ?
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