You know some agency service in Paraguay that can setup companies? if so, do you know the costs and want to share with us?
Hello, my local agent in Paraguay can setup companies, buy real estate, and whatever else you need. Very competent guy with 20 years+ in business. I can share his contact by PM.
However, I didn't setup a company in Paraguay as I didn't need one. Paraguay has very lax residency laws and you can become a permanent resident quickly, and the cost is minimal. Once you have your Paraguayan ID, you can:
- Setup a personal USD
bank account in Asunción
- Travel around Mercosur without a passport
- Trigger
tax residency in Paraguay, a country that doesn't tax personal foreign income
How to trigger
tax residency if you aren't spending over 183 days in Paraguay?
First it should be noted that you don't lose your permanent resident status by not spending time there. The stay requirement is minimal (1 day every 3 years). As a legal resident, but in practice no living there 183 days per year, you can still become a tax resident of Paraguay by renting out a small apartment or doing some local
investment, thus paying some minimal local tax. Then you have a tax certificate which you can show to the tax man of your home country and make a strong case that you are NOT a resident there anymore.
As you see, this solution is for zeroing personal
income tax.
Hope it makes sense!