Left EU long time ago, when it was still a nice place.
Can't bring myself to even visit now, being abroad I learned to value free speech, liberty, absence of bureaucracy and tax extortion, absence of violent crime, absence of eco-facism control through insane prices for electricity (I am paying <14 cents now, and that's expensive), and being able to live the way I like to live. Actually all of it is: quality of life.
How to I deal with what's happening? I stopped caring. I got no kids, so there are no reasons for me to fear or worry about the future. I feel sad seeing things change to worse, but in the end, all that I can control about it are my own emotions.
How I deal with the rest that I can actually control?
Diversification. Getting additional citizenships and passports, diversifying wealth, so that I am safe from de-banking, eating healthy, and living in places without those issues. Embracing change and moving on to the next place when the current one turns to s**t. If God wanted us to stay in one place, he'd give us roots, not legs.
De-attaching from it all, as in the end our bodies will expire anyway, and non of it all really matters. Just here and now. Being happy or miserable is one's own choice.
Maybe a reset is what the world needs: