Well in many European countries it is not by law mandatory that you tell your current city / country where you want to move or what country you are moving too. I have seen that apply in several European countries. So I imagine in your case nothing will happen as long as you not move back!country of residence (utility bill) can be easily spoofed, especially for online services.
What happens when report gets to country of residence and if for example you don't live there anymore, you think information gets forwarded to country of citizenship ?
They report to country of residence and only if you open a personal account. If you are going for a corporate account there are different reporting obligations as we have discussed a few times here on the forum already.
Summary of the Common Reporting Standard (“CRS”)Hi, @Admin I searched in the forum for "crs reporting obligation" but didn't find other discussions, maybe I'm not searching right. I'm interested in reading about the different reporting obligations of banks of different countries have for personal bank accounts vs. business bank accounts. I only found this guide on another post but I don't think that is specified there: https://www.oecd.org/tax/exchange-o...e-of-financial-information-in-tax-matters.pdf
Any link to another discussion or useful article that might enlight me on this?
Many thanks!
I just want to get it clear.
Are banks reporting your account to country of residence or country of citizenship or both?