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!NEWS! Thread Prefix for selected user levels!


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2008
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We have added the "Thread Prefix" - QUESTION - to all users with user status:
  • Advance Member
  • Business Angel
  • Elite Member
  • Mentor Group Gold
  • Mentor Group Light
  • Silver Member
Thread Prefix can be used when you create threads and you want to mark the thread as a Question, that way you might get faster answers and your thread stands out from the others.
For the following user account upgrades we have add the "Thread Prefix" - Please help!
When you create a new thread and use the prefix "Please help!" you will get more attention to your thread and gain faster help when required.

Please don't misuse the PREFIX's or use them if the thread is not a question or you require help. We will give warning points for misuse!