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To give this forum some live we decided to start this contest.


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Dec 29, 2008
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To give this forum some live we decided to start this contest.

We give away $50 for the top posters at our forum.

We have a top5 score here, located at the Front Page, the one that is in the top of the “Top Posters”, will receive $50 by PayPal at the end of the contest.

No.2 gets a $30 and No.3.gets $25

Read the terms here!

You are welcome to spread the word, the contest starts now!

The terms are:

Only relevant topics can be posted, bump’s are no allowed.

Questions you posts need to be relevant to the type of forum you are posting to.

No copy/paste from other forums

Not allowed to only post in 1 of our forums, you will need to have at least 25 posts in different forums to win!

No Jokes at all

No Advertising

No off topic threads and posts

Give qualified answers to posts and threads if you choice to do so

Above are the requirements, stick to them and get your winnings at the end of this contest which is the 21.02.2009 at 0.00 CET

When do we start? NOW!

Any questions, use the contact form. or Post here, but those posts won't be counted.
Of course GUEST which is the top poster at the moment don't count!

Good luck everyone.
Sad I just checked, and it lookes like at the end of the contest no winner was found... but looks like more people are comming here now.... so maybe you should start a new one soone again.
Gee, I'll bump this thread! I don't know if you ever found your winner but it is kind of fun to try! This thread is interesting for more reasons than the contest, though.
Thank you for the interest, but this has been posted for a long time ago and is not valid any longer.... but feel free to suggest something similar :)
Did you pay the prizes in btc? smi(&%
no it was paypal.

Then they would be back here, asking for ways to cash it out without paying too much tax. ;)
very true, at least they would get back here and post, that's good ;)
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