I can't think of better "
no tax" place than UAE. You are free to get your profits and do whatever you wish with them. My alcohol intake reduced to zero when I am here, simply because it is not widely available in every shop. Local ISPs work like a child proof DNS, filtering out websites you do not want your kids to stumble upon. No P**N press in the shops, no sex shops, you get used to these things to the point, that when I come back to Europe it does feel awkward especially with kids around. The residential areas are well kept, green, clean and safe. Judging by the amount of luxury cars in my neighborhood or at the school, I would think there are still
rich people living here rather long term. Whoever I meet has been here for 10+ years, usually families with kids.
I don't know where guys like
@Konstanz gets his news from, but sitting somewhere in Europe just imaging how the life is in UAE, will not give you a full picture. Where else can I have a villa with private pool, which I can use year round and a call it a tax free long term holiday in fairly well
developed country? Sushi at 11pm? No problem, will be here in 30 mins with few taps of my fingers. Shops opened every single day until very late without some bulls**t holidays or closed on Sundays. Try that in Europe, good luck. Everything here is for the convenience of living. The roads are excellent, driving is pure pleasure, only
Austria can compete with the quality of roads to UAE. I am struggling in Europe during summer more than here 40+, because either there is no AC in the office or at the shops or I have no private pool to chill in.
I am not saying it is perfect, there are some drawbacks, like 3 day classic music in every radio station when someone important dies

but in my opinion the benefits outweigh the negatives. Desert is a nature of the UAE. Visit Anantara Qasr Al Sarab to discover it's beauty. Dubai does excellent job in handling the public areas such as parks, beaches. I am happy they are strict on drugs, it gives you some peace in rising kids here. I could go on but there will be always people like some users above who have absolutely no idea about living here.