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What tax does offshore companies pay?

Well there are indeed offshore jurisdiction where you have to pay tax also if you don't do business there locally. For instant in Cyprus a Company pay 12,5% corporate tax from profits generated. I don't know if this is the exact correct tax rate today, has been some time since I last had use of it, but there are also other jurisdictions like Malta and the UK.

Generally speaking if you have a Belize Company and you do business in Belize you will have to pay corporate tax in Belize, the only reason for why you don't have to pay tax is that the Company usually is not doing business locally in Belize so it's registration is International Business Company with 0% tax to be paid.

Hope it make sense.
You can find all tax rates and regulations for the Seychelles here, Seychelles Tax System | World.tax if you go to the main site you can find tax rates and regulations for most offshore jurisdictions around. General speaking a IBC does not pay any corporate tax because it doesn't do business locally.