The registered address, the place of operations, and (optionally) a separate mailing address.Suppose I incorporate a company , which address will the bank use for my company ?
A local address where your company is formed is a requirement in order to incorporate. Service providers practically always provide an address for your I automaically get an address for the company when I incorporate ?
Ok, is it possible that my address is used by other companies or it has to be unique ?The registered address, the place of operations, and (optionally) a separate mailing address.
A local address where your company is formed is a requirement in order to incorporate. Service providers practically always provide an address for your company.
It does not have to be unique. There are registered addresses with thousands and thousands of companies.Ok, is it possible that my address is used by other companies or it has to be unique ?
Different banks have different requirements.does it needs to be a physical office ?
Make sure that you are able to get a utility bill which the bank accepts for your company. Most Company service providers can't deliver it before you rent a real office.Ok, is it possible that my address is used by other companies or it has to be unique ?
does it needs to be a physical office ?