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Which is better for a newbie

I would say Wordpress is a good option, very easy to install, you don't need any HTML expirience or PHP programming, it is installed within 10 minutes.

Wordpress has thousands of free templates available...

Blooger is a good alternative for good and quick indexing in googe, but I don't like it very much at least not if you want to make your "real" own blog!
<<snippet>> said:
I would say Wordpress is a good option, very easy to install, you don't need any HTML expirience or PHP programming, it is installed within 10 minutes.
Wordpress has thousands of free templates available...

Blooger is a good alternative for good and quick indexing in googe, but I don't like it very much at least not if you want to make your "real" own blog!
My friend mentioned about Wordpress being the good option if you want to make your own blog. I haven't tried it though. I really would like to make a blog that would earn me some extra money, but still have much to learn about blogging.:tinysmile_grin_t:
I would recommend to start with a free blog service or the ones which pays you small amount of money for blogging. Whichever thing you choose don't be overconfident as everything takes its own time to be successful.
Starting from free blog services is indeed the best to start your blog as you enjoy blogging you add more quality and credibility to your site and in time traffic will start coming in and by this time you can now earn money and can afford to pay a good blogging service.
jamesb said:
I would suggest for anyone to first try their hand on a free blog from blogger/blogspot. Make sure that you actually enjoy blogging before you go ahead and purchase a domain name, hosting etc.
I am agree with you. Its really essential to become familiar with technical aspects of blogging and for this blogspot would be an ideal choice. Blogging is an art really require time to settle as a perfect blogger. Try to familiarize yourself with some unique content to enhance your traffic rank.
What is it about 'Blogger' that people say it is not a 'real blog'? I don't really notice anything different about them from other blogs. Does it make you more credible or something to have your own domain name?
heather said:
What is it about 'Blogger' that people say it is not a 'real blog'? I don't really notice anything different about them from other blogs. Does it make you more credible or something to have your own domain name?
Yes, it does make you look more credible if you have your own domain name. The thing that you want to do with blogging is make yourself a brand name. It's easier to do it with John Doe Creative rather than CardsInternational.com - VRL KnowledgeBank.
Blogspot get listed faster in google, cause google own blogspot. But if you are handy with wordpress and you can do a good SEO job with your wp blog, then why not? After all wp have so many plugins out there