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Who can do live interviews with or without a CAM?

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Dec 29, 2008
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Hello fellow members,

We consider a brand new project, without to airing what it is about then we seek someone that is able to do Video interviews with a certain group of people from this forum. We are not 100% sure if we just want to make it as a AUDIT / voice record or if we also include video so it looks more like a webinar.

Anyway, we seek someone that can help with this project, payment will be discussed on a personal level if we think you qualify.

Of course you need to speak fluent English, you don't need to be native speaking but still it need to be clear and fluent.

PM me here or write in this thread if you are interested and I will contact you.

I will close this thread in exact 20 days from now on or if we have found a candidate.

Thank you for your attention and to be a member of OffshoreCorpTalk.com :)
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Thanks for all that contacted us already. We have found a qualified person for this task, should we need to replace him or need additional people I will reopen this thread.

This will be awesome we hope :)
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