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Why is it that the price of gold has been shooting up so drastically over the last few days?

i think the Terrorist attack in Russia played a role, smart people like me think this will escalate the war.
To be honest, I believe it will escalate further, Putin want it over, and NATO keeps pushing more weapon to Ukraine, things are gonna get s**t bad within 6-12 months and I'm talking about a massive bombing of Ukraine plus a possible NATO intervention.

I obviously won't buy gold now and been buying it at every dip over the past 5 years. now it's too high to buy, need to wait a few more years for a correction.
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Powell has been hinting at reducing the QT of the fed's balance sheet and the market also anticipates rates cut in 2024.

Interesting to notice that EUR/USD has been going down lately (USD going up) and usually metals suffer from that, but not recently.
Powell has been hinting at reducing the QT of the fed's balance sheet and the market also anticipates rates cut in 2024.

Interesting to notice that EUR/USD has been going down lately (USD going up) and usually metals suffer from that, but not recently.
The rise of gold prices is correlating with the stock market especially DOW jones. When it will crash, so will gold.
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There are threats of a general war in Europe - Russia has no intention of stopping their warfare. This has led many European countries to start informing people about what kind of food supplies they should have in stock in case of war.

This, in turn, makes those who can afford it immediately think of buying physical gold since it has always been usable in the past and can be in the future if cash or digital money is unavailable. And now, the sale of gold has increased by up to 1000% in many countries.
I've been keeping an eye on the gold prices lately, and man, it's crazy how it's shot up by more than 200 euros per ounce in just a few weeks. Is it mostly because of the war scare in Europe, or is inflation messing with it too, or what's up with that?
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The last 2 years countries/central banks buying more and more gold.

So many countries and central banks buys gold in the last 2 year. Do a Google search and set the time range to news from last 12 months.

This conflicts not gonna end soon and countries know mostly more as us.

The USA is not to plan to give up their world dominance power.

Sell your Disney dollars and buy gold and bitcoin. Never too late.
The last 2 years countries/central banks buying more and more gold.

So many countries and central banks buys gold in the last 2 year. Do a Google search and set the time range to news from last 12 months.

This conflicts not gonna end soon and countries know mostly more as us.

The USA is not to plan to give up their world dominance power.

Sell your Disney dollars and buy gold and bitcoin. Never too late.
Or it's just corelating with the stock market. Dow down 1.4 percent. Gold down 1.4 percent ... Just compare the charts and see for yourself. When everything collapses, gold goes too, and so does crypto. I'm holding cash since we haven't seen the full effect of the interest rates raise yet, and when it comes into effect, it will be ugly, but everything will be on sale. :cool:

The war scare is overblown, (I'm not saying it can't happen, but unlikely to happen since both sides know what it will lead to) stop snorting MSM, they profit out of your attention and it will weaken your attention span and well being on top of it.
I've been keeping an eye on the gold prices lately, and man, it's crazy how it's shot up by more than 200 euros per ounce in just a few weeks. Is it mostly because of the war scare in Europe, or is inflation messing with it too, or what's up with that?
War has been ongoing for two years - nothing to do with that.

It’s debt refi cycle which means printing the difference and putting it on the balance sheet ~ which is expected to grow 6%.

Variable products / services will have some inflation but fixed supply assets have strong growth.

Hence you see It playing out.

Anyone that says otherwise needs to answer “why now” when “now all the debt is being rolled” and not before.

As for rate cuts - markets usually sell off for those because it’s a rush for liquidity once something breaks - the FED is reactionary…

As for the pull back it’s a liquidity pocket (went down a trillion but already gone up a trillion since (month).
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Curious what the gold price will do Monday if it has nothing to do with war ;)
PAXG hit 3000$ an ounce as people jumped out of crypto into on chain gold.

Having said that Gold lags by 36 weeks liquidity - so timing wise we are still firmly in its liquidity absorb phase.

Aside from volatility either way the impact of a tamed response to Israel’s actions will likely be marginal unless it continues to escalate IMHO.

I should add in a time of war you might have all the gold in the world but good luck liquidating it - as like in Argentina the banks will be forced to restrict withdrawals in to cash and at the same time wealth is wiped away with debasement and inflation - meaning the cash that is already in the open is the only circulating cash and you’ll find it hard for anyone to want to own gold/bitcoin etc (like found in Argentina) because they need to find someone else that wants to have it to offload to at a time they need cash to spend.

Well documented last week by George Gammon.

I.e force velocity lower - to socialize debasement (note we are already at very very low levels - last time this low 6 empires ceased to exist).

And just an FYI I trust math and science demonstrated by granger tests, opposed to Lolly pops and fairy dust or worse getting a hard on for an asset because missiles are fired in a region.

It is indisputable in math that gold follows 36 weeks the liquidity cycle - the volatility in between is localized impacts within a bigger cycle.

Up to 2020


Bottomed 2021/22/23 zone but not out of the woods yet.


Oh and gold price against velocity of money you can deduce by looking at the charts
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At least over the last week, I've noticed that the price per ounce has gone up by nearly 100 EUR, which is quite a lot considering it usually only goes up by a few euros over a month.
The fiat illusion is crumbling and the Wizard of Oz is out of tricks. So everything goes up, for the next few months at least...
The last 2 years countries/central banks buying more and more gold.

So many countries and central banks buys gold in the last 2 year. Do a Google search and set the time range to news from last 12 months.

This conflicts not gonna end soon and countries know mostly more as us.

The USA is not to plan to give up their world dominance power.

Sell your Disney dollars and buy gold and bitcoin. Never too late.
you're right that may be the answer to my question.
it is going up again, comparing it towards EURO and it's up above 2200 EUR per OZ !
Over the last 3 months I followed the Gold price it has been up for a short time 2200 euro just to fall back to 2150 euro per ounce - it's sitting in this layer right now.