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Work remotely in Colombia with the new digital nomad visa

troubled soul

Pro Member
Aug 23, 2020
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The visa allow you to stay for up to two years and get a form of state identification known as ‘Cedula de Extranjeria’. This will help you access a number of services in the country, including signing up for a mobile phone contract or renting a property.

Other requirements for the Colombia digital nomad visa include:

  1. As an applicant, you must be a passport holder issued by any of the countries or territories exempt from short-stay visas (check the list here).
  2. A letter in Spanish or English, issued by one or more foreign companies you provide services for. The letter should indicate the type of link and the type of remuneration you receive. It should also indicate the kind of contract you have with the said company. The letter should show how you contribute, or demonstrate if you are a partner or co-owner of any company abroad. Also, a separate letter indicating that your work for the company is carried out remotely.
  3. As an entrepreneur, you’ll present a motivational letter explaining your entrepreneurship project and the financial and human resources that you have or aspire to have for your entrepreneurship;
  4. You’ll demonstrate through bank statements that you meet the minimum income equivalent of at least 3,000,000 Colombian Pesos (approximately $700).
  5. You need to also possess a health policy with coverage in the national territory against all risks in the event of accident, illness, maternity, disability, hospitalization, death or repatriation, for the time foreseen for your stay in the country.
I have heard good and bad things about Columbia but if you know your way around the culture you maybe ok I guess.

The list keeps increasing. Last time I looked it was 41 and its not 54 plus yours 55 at least now :D.


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