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Sticking to Transferwise as EMI, what about the incorporation country?


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Sep 18, 2017
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Hi guys,

Not sure at all if this thread is in the right section, and I'm sorry if it's not the case.
So, I'm looking to open a company.

Currently living in Malta, but don't really want to open a company here as I'm not sure I plan to stay here for long.
I would like to open a company in a EU country, and not a shady one.

I'm doing business online, affiliate marketing kind of stuff.
From what I read these days, fighting with opening an offshore bank account might be some useless step as some EMIs seem to be good solutions (which is why I might stick to TransferWise which I already like for personal use).

I've been reading about UK that doesn't seem to be too expensive for company formation, but no idea if it's easy or not to open a company there while I'm not resident.

Thanks in advance for your answers!
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What other solutions (as in incorporation countries) exist?
Just a reminder that I mainly want the process to be easy and taxes not to be too high. Also better if the country is a "trusted" one.
You could setup a company in Cyprus for that sake. However, it's much more expensive than the UK.
Yes it's cheap and easy with a UK company. Otherwise consider Georgia as suggested in some threads here, I saw pricing starting at only 1400 euro for a company setup.

Romania and finally the Netherlands are also into play for many.
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UK is one of the easiest and cheapest places to form a company it's just you're saddled with a bunch of tax, which why would you want that if you're resident in Malta?

Usually, you'd look at options like:

- Georgia
- Bulgaria
- Gibraltar
- Cyprus non-resident company
- HK
- etc.

As alternatives. If you're making even a small amount of money the taxes will add up to way more than the cost of the company. But each of those have pros and cons depending on the nature of your business, where your customers are based (super hassle if for example you've got to collect and remit VAT), etc. etc.

There's no one size fits all, it's all case by case.
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Coming from France, the taxes in United Kingdom don't really surprise me.
When I see that the corporate tax is at 19% in UK, and that the price for opening a company is so low and easy for a non-resident, it still seems really interesting.

Malta corporate tax is at 35%, but I now you could lower that to 5% by opening another company in the BVI for example (which is one of the most commonly advertisted setup on the island).
Even better, if you're a non-dom resident you should be able to get remittance based tax so you should be able to get the money into your personal name tax free or close to it so that's very appealing.

Not sure your preferences but if I was in your position I'd think 19% was too high. You could do lots of other alternatives and be way lower so it's like what's the advantage? What do you gain by going with UK vs one of these other alternatives, which are perfectly decent but with way lower tax?
Not doing business physically in France, but I'm born in France.

The most important part in that incorporation process is to be able to get some banking solutions in the future (other than TransferWise), that might help me grow my business (working a lot with AdWords).

HK and Bulgaria are pretty much a no because it's not suited for Adwords.
US and UK are good solution for that matter.