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  • Refarding Paynent processors, you may get rejected by some. That's Ok with business. It is not roses all the way. You will face some obstacles. You will find a way around these obstacles. This is a part of the learning experience.
    Till now my experience with a uk company is positive.

    It easy to open the company. Finding an accountant on fiverr to file taxes as affordable and easy

    1st formation service is solid after 1.5 years. I happy with tge experience so far
    Hey, how is your UK ltd so far and your experience with payment processors? Could you give short advice of do's and dont's? I will be having same path as you soon.
    hey could please tell how you did the UK setup I'm frustrated without solution
    hey, So How was your experience ?
    Get my stripe account disabled and money locked immediately after my 1st Credit card transaction with stripe. :)
    What about your experience?
    I didn't have any . so that 1st formation company dint work and what about the PayPal ?
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