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Lawmakers propose sanctions on US index funds investing in China

Martin Everson

Offshore Retiree
Jan 2, 2018
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The U.S is getting more desperate by the day to prevent the rise of China...lol. If its not TikTok its Huawai etc. I wonder what Blackrock etc will make of this...lol.

This is getting beyond ridiculous. The level of pettiness reaches new highs week after week.

They also said two days ago that they will hold china responsible if russia wins the war in Ukraine lol

Crazy... politicians should not interfere in business
Being successful in the free market requires hard work, dedication, intelligence
meanwhile being succesful as politician is just being good at deceiving the stupid crowd
And then you have politicians telling business people what to do it's just ridiculous
Who cares China is selling stuff to Russia, it's just business, they are not US puppet and they are free to trade with whom they wish. US please stop this imperialist attitude!
All this happens when an empire comes towards its end and it becomes more desperate to maintain its hegemony over the world order....lol. The problem is that it is already game over for the US and China has already won. China is the top trading partner for over 120 countries. The next clever move the U.S needs to do is kick Chinese banks off SWIFT, freeze China's U.S bond holdings and their mission to destroy the U.S dollar is complete smi(&%.

You see people are gonna buy Chinese goods regardless of what US does the same way countries continue to buy Russian oil. They will just not use the U.S Dollar or any banks connected to the western financial system. There are plenty of Chinese Banks around world to facilitate bilateral trade with China. China makes goods at a price point that cannot often be beaten. Goods often that are not made in other countries and it is a huge consumer market going into the future. Countries like Saudi Arabia will continue to sell oil to their number one client - China but no longer in USD. The Europeans...well good luck to their industrial base if they follow U.S into the abyss. Ask Germany what their auto industry would look like without China for example even though demand for their cars in China is falling as China is now the worlds biggest automaker.

Anyway fun times ahead as U.S is doing everything possible to speed up de-dollarization sadly. There has to be people who work in the U.S government that no very well that all these actions will backfire liek Russian sanctions and are wilfully working against the U.S best interests as no one can be that naive in U.S I hope :confused:.
Crazy... politicians should not interfere in business
Being successful in the free market requires hard work, dedication, intelligence
meanwhile being succesful as politician is just being good at deceiving the stupid crowd
And then you have politicians telling business people what to do it's just ridiculous
Who cares China is selling stuff to Russia, it's just business, they are not US puppet and they are free to trade with whom they wish. US please stop this imperialist attitude!
It’s called a mixture of communism-socialism-absolutism-authoritarianism

All this happens when an empire comes towards its end and it becomes more desperate to maintain its hegemony over the world order....lol. The problem is that it is already game over for the US and China has already won. China is the top trading partner for over 120 countries. The next clever move the U.S needs to do is kick Chinese banks off SWIFT, freeze China's U.S bond holdings and their mission to destroy the U.S dollar is complete smi(&%.

You see people are gonna buy Chinese goods regardless of what US does the same way countries continue to buy Russian oil. They will just not use the U.S Dollar or any banks connected to the western financial system. There are plenty of Chinese Banks around world to facilitate bilateral trade with China. China makes goods at a price point that cannot often be beaten. Goods often that are not made in other countries and it is a huge consumer market going into the future. Countries like Saudi Arabia will continue to sell oil to their number one client - China but no longer in USD. The Europeans...well good luck to their industrial base if they follow U.S into the abyss. Ask Germany what their auto industry would look like without China for example even though demand for their cars in China is falling as China is now the worlds biggest automaker.

Anyway fun times ahead as U.S is doing everything possible to speed up de-dollarization sadly. There has to be people who work in the U.S government that no very well that all these actions will backfire liek Russian sanctions and are wilfully working against the U.S best interests as no one can be that naive in U.S I hope :confused:.
The moment someone brings out a asset backed decentralized pot of let’s say DXY++ that remains steady with USD opposed to growing with debasement or declining due to tightening - I’d imagine that will eat into the Eurodollar market and without that the $ is essentially destined to loose reserve status - I don’t believe $ flood back into the US like some state as the 350t$ Eurodollar market would cancel itself out as debts repaid with $ or $ equivalent

I mean that for example a Chinese bank that lent in yuan to a local entity in the Eurodollar market (priced repayment in $) but issued in yuan will likely take such because the risk holding or dealing with the $ would be high.

So the equivalent would settle it.

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There is a huge risk that if in an unlikely event such a bizarre law was to come to pass in U.S then global investors would restructure and maybe HK banks and brokers would benefit. It will all just hastens the decoupling from the dollar. It will make the dollar weaker against foreign currencies making debt easier to pay back. When your not paying China in dollars any more your gonna be paying them in something else ;).

I just don't get the U.S motives sometimes. It has to be private interests rather than any real sense of righteousness or thought through geopolitical strategy. The U.S anti-China sentiment by some officials has very little long term logic to it. Janet Yellen warning China is a joke also. They talking about China as if its small undeveloped vessel banana republic like Bahamas rather than the worlds second biggest economy and a super power....lol.

Anyway U.S have been taking L's everywhere from Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Somali. Even now with Houthis in Yemen they cannot even stop them and have zero chance of defeating them...lol. Thoughtful diplomacy is the best way to achieve results not military power or economic threats and sanctions. They should learn on how far that got them with Russia as China has ability to export inflation big time sadly.
If this type of bill passes (and it definitely will, maybe not this one specifically), it will affect both individual investors (ETFs) but also institutional investors including private entities who invest in ETFs or directly in the capital of Chinese companies.

The US would of course try to slam HK for it (they already said HK = China, export bans to China are identical to the ones in HK), they will say HK cannot be used as a gateway to mainland China for this purpose but at the end of the day China is not nearly as dependent on its public stock market as the US economy so they won't care much.

I hope that my nation France does not pursue the interests of the US. I think Macron has been walking on a fine diplomatic line between the US and China that's not too bad. Let's see where it goes post the next presidential elections. Europe is getting desperate and I am not too bullish on its future either given its current state and the bureaucrats running it.
All this happens when an empire comes towards its end and it becomes more desperate to maintain its hegemony over the world order....lol. The problem is that it is already game over for the US and China has already won. China is the top trading partner for over 120 countries. The next clever move the U.S needs to do is kick Chinese banks off SWIFT, freeze China's U.S bond holdings and their mission to destroy the U.S dollar is complete smi(&%.

You see people are gonna buy Chinese goods regardless of what US does the same way countries continue to buy Russian oil. They will just not use the U.S Dollar or any banks connected to the western financial system. There are plenty of Chinese Banks around world to facilitate bilateral trade with China. China makes goods at a price point that cannot often be beaten. Goods often that are not made in other countries and it is a huge consumer market going into the future. Countries like Saudi Arabia will continue to sell oil to their number one client - China but no longer in USD. The Europeans...well good luck to their industrial base if they follow U.S into the abyss. Ask Germany what their auto industry would look like without China for example even though demand for their cars in China is falling as China is now the worlds biggest automaker.

Anyway fun times ahead as U.S is doing everything possible to speed up de-dollarization sadly. There has to be people who work in the U.S government that no very well that all these actions will backfire liek Russian sanctions and are wilfully working against the U.S best interests as no one can be that naive in U.S I hope :confused:.

All this happens when an empire comes towards its end and it becomes more desperate to maintain its hegemony over the world order....lol. The problem is that it is already game over for the US and China has already won. China is the top trading partner for over 120 countries. The next clever move the U.S needs to do is kick Chinese banks off SWIFT, freeze China's U.S bond holdings and their mission to destroy the U.S dollar is complete smi(&%.

You see people are gonna buy Chinese goods regardless of what US does the same way countries continue to buy Russian oil. They will just not use the U.S Dollar or any banks connected to the western financial system. There are plenty of Chinese Banks around world to facilitate bilateral trade with China. China makes goods at a price point that cannot often be beaten. Goods often that are not made in other countries and it is a huge consumer market going into the future. Countries like Saudi Arabia will continue to sell oil to their number one client - China but no longer in USD. The Europeans...well good luck to their industrial base if they follow U.S into the abyss. Ask Germany what their auto industry would look like without China for example even though demand for their cars in China is falling as China is now the worlds biggest automaker.

Anyway fun times ahead as U.S is doing everything possible to speed up de-dollarization sadly. There has to be people who work in the U.S government that no very well that all these actions will backfire liek Russian sanctions and are wilfully working against the U.S best interests as no one can be that naive in U.S I hope :confused:.
US should hire uncle Martin cuz Sam is too old
I read the bill below and its flawed and naive at best. You can read from Page 21 onwards for the actual part that concerns only China Index Funds or basically passive China stock tracking funds. So basically any U.S based China Index fund can switch from being a passive index fund to being actively managed fund which is a glaring loophole in the bill. In any case this bill seems flawed as people who want to invest in China will now have to pay higher fees for U.S actively managed China funds as opposed to a much cheaper U.S passive index funds stupi#21

Either way the U.S loses out as domestic and foreign dollars flowing into U.S China index funds will go elsewhere into other offshore China index funds and the U.S government loses out on tax revenue stupi#21.

P.S These people are so short sighted they should be in a school for the blind not working in government. I can literally see why America is failing in the modern world as its not yet grasped that people don't need the U.S any longer as they did in the past.
All this happens when an empire comes towards its end and it becomes more desperate to maintain its hegemony over the world order....lol. The problem is that it is already game over for the US and China has already won. China is the top trading partner for over 120 countries. The next clever move the U.S needs to do is kick Chinese banks off SWIFT, freeze China's U.S bond holdings and their mission to destroy the U.S dollar is complete smi(&%.

You see people are gonna buy Chinese goods regardless of what US does the same way countries continue to buy Russian oil. They will just not use the U.S Dollar or any banks connected to the western financial system. There are plenty of Chinese Banks around world to facilitate bilateral trade with China. China makes goods at a price point that cannot often be beaten. Goods often that are not made in other countries and it is a huge consumer market going into the future. Countries like Saudi Arabia will continue to sell oil to their number one client - China but no longer in USD. The Europeans...well good luck to their industrial base if they follow U.S into the abyss. Ask Germany what their auto industry would look like without China for example even though demand for their cars in China is falling as China is now the worlds biggest automaker.

Anyway fun times ahead as U.S is doing everything possible to speed up de-dollarization sadly. There has to be people who work in the U.S government that no very well that all these actions will backfire liek Russian sanctions and are wilfully working against the U.S best interests as no one can be that naive in U.S I hope :confused:.
this is it. usa looks like a wounded animal increasingly in the corner.
  • Haha
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There is a huge risk that if in an unlikely event such a bizarre law was to come to pass in U.S then global investors would restructure and maybe HK banks and brokers would benefit. It will all just hastens the decoupling from the dollar. It will make the dollar weaker against foreign currencies making debt easier to pay back. When your not paying China in dollars any more your gonna be paying them in something else ;).

I just don't get the U.S motives sometimes. It has to be private interests rather than any real sense of righteousness or thought through geopolitical strategy. The U.S anti-China sentiment by some officials has very little long term logic to it. Janet Yellen warning China is a joke also. They talking about China as if its small undeveloped vessel banana republic like Bahamas rather than the worlds second biggest economy and a super power....lol.

Anyway U.S have been taking L's everywhere from Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Somali. Even now with Houthis in Yemen they cannot even stop them and have zero chance of defeating them...lol. Thoughtful diplomacy is the best way to achieve results not military power or economic threats and sanctions. They should learn on how far that got them with Russia as China has ability to export inflation big time sadly.
Problem for China is its easy to cut their energy off - they are however operating Russians eastern energy infrastructure but should be putting their infrastructure commitments to a direct connection for the entire country and then internally to send to the eastern seaboard

this is it. usa looks like a wounded animal increasingly in the corner.
America absorbed the German industrial plant

this is it. usa looks like a wounded animal increasingly in the corner.
Perhaps internationally - but domestically they are setup to remain a strong country
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this is it. usa looks like a wounded animal increasingly in the corner.

Exactly you can smell the desperation to suppress China's rise by hook or crook.

They don't realize the reality that more attempted suppression of China or threats to their banks will just erode dollar usage with China for over 120 countries for whom China is their top trading partner....lol. So guess what currency will replace that dollar trade? :rolleyes: