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  1. D

    Any Simplex processor?

    Hi Guys, I used to work with some of my clients with wallets/exchanges that supported Simplex as a payment method, unfortunately the one i used to work with is no longer accepting Simplex. Anyone know about an wallet/exchange that woring with Simplex? (or any other processor that not showing as...
  2. F

    Tell me your feedback about these Banks

    So i saw some discussions between many EMI and Banks. And some Banks dont have feedbacks or anything here, thats why i am asking you guys. let me know.: - how long you are you using or did use it? - how much cash flow you did do in one week? - buying crypto possible? - did your account get...
  3. JohnLocke

    Top 10 Crypto Exchanges & What You Need To Know Before Making a Final Decision

    There are around 2,000 cryptocurrencies on the market today, and their market cap is anywhere around $300 billion, with plenty of fluctuations. The space has gained lots of notoriety over the past years, especially with the leading digital currency – Bitcoin – reaching some extreme values in...