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  1. M

    How do I off-ramp crypto yield generated by company? Your feedback please?

    Hello everyone, I am a Dutch passport holder and have an online marketing company in the Netherlands. I have converted a bit of fiat into crypto using a Dutch EMI a few years ago, which has since changed its policy and is now not crypto-friendly anymore. I am considering staking this crypto to...
  2. clemens

    Staking USDT, USDC and ETH from ledger, how?

    I have a hundred thoiousands on my ledger nano in USDC and USDT as ETH. I was wondering how I could stake them ince they have been sitting there for a few years without doing any good. But I don't want to run a huge risk!!! Any suggestion?
  3. kilor

    How long you need to Stake a coin to double it?

    How long would it take to stake a cryptocurrency to double it? Let's say I had 10K to invest and want to stake it with either Kraken, Binance or other - how long would I need to do that to get 20K out of it? What is the risk?
  4. C

    New Member Here to discuss everything Crypto business related

    Hi Guys, New member here suffering from 2 serious afflications (esp for someone in Crypto), but don't hold it against me. I hold a US passport and an Indian OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) card. While most of my intentions and journey in the next few months will be dedicated to...