Prospera, in Honduras
No capital gains tax on Bitcoin, you can transact freely using Bitcoin, and you can pay taxes and fees in Bitcoin. You can also start a Bitcoin business.
Bitcoin bonds enabled.
And you can invest directly in Prospera with their security token convertible note offering.
Madeira, in Portugal
No personal income taxes on Bitcoin.
Corporates pay 5% taxes in their special freezone and 14% in the rest of the territory.
Mexican senator Indira Kempis to propose legislation to make Bitcoin legal tender in Mexico
No capital gains tax on Bitcoin, you can transact freely using Bitcoin, and you can pay taxes and fees in Bitcoin. You can also start a Bitcoin business.
Bitcoin bonds enabled.
And you can invest directly in Prospera with their security token convertible note offering.
Madeira, in Portugal
No personal income taxes on Bitcoin.
Corporates pay 5% taxes in their special freezone and 14% in the rest of the territory.
Mexican senator Indira Kempis to propose legislation to make Bitcoin legal tender in Mexico