First of all, I am new to Paypal Add To Cart service.
Will I get notification with payment & purchase details, after the payment to a notify_url in the case of Add To Cart ?
Now I get notification mail but I wish to update the database after the payment just like IPN.. Also, will it is possible to pass the values such as buyer paypal login id along with the Add To Cart button form ?
Any ideas or suggestion would be appreciate.
Freelance PHP Developer: Zend php Certified
First of all, I am new to Paypal Add To Cart service.
Will I get notification with payment & purchase details, after the payment to a notify_url in the case of Add To Cart ?
Now I get notification mail but I wish to update the database after the payment just like IPN.. Also, will it is possible to pass the values such as buyer paypal login id along with the Add To Cart button form ?
Any ideas or suggestion would be appreciate.
Freelance PHP Developer: Zend php Certified