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Advice about wich juridisticion to open company


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Mar 20, 2017
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Hi everyone,

I'd like to have some advice about the most suitable place for me to open a company.

In the first place I'd like to have a main company together with an business partner and under this main structure two other ones were I am owner of one and he the other one IE the holdings thar recieve dividends / earnings from the main working company.

The company's business is financial investments, real estate and everything related to both.

First is needed the main company on an later stage the two holdings. Of course with bank accounts.

I have gone trough lots of post on the forum and I see many praising Seychelles with Cyprus holding, Belize seems nice but it seems complicated to move money there as they do not have s SWIFT system.

( we are EU based not US )

I would love some help and suggestions, as of what the best construction would be and as to where.

Also an good provider to open these, I know SFM but any suggestion is welcome

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Do you handle 3rd part funds? That is important in order to know if your business requires a license or something?

Otherwise the most simple setup is still a Seychelles Holding and a Cyprus trading company, depending on what other requirements you may have.
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Funds are owned by ourselves private and or funds from loans but from ourselves.

Ok so Cyprus trading company owned by the two partners and then two holdings each owned by one.

And where do you recommend the bank accounts to be located for these ?

By curiosity what licence would be needed to handle 3rd party funds, so that these funds could be invested with and given dividends to the persons giving these funds ?

If you are going for public investments a license by CySec (for Cyprus) is required. Typically capital requirements are EUR 500,000 + 50,000 setup costs.

Banking you can keep in Cyprus for all entities.
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That would only be private investments in case that would happen.

Can you recommend me someone or business that can give me a quote on the complete set up for the company + holding and bank accounts ?