I would need an international stock broker account for a Cayman Ltd company. I would prefer IBKR, but as I told them that the company is an SPV from a former fund, they complicated everything so much, that I do not have nor concentration nor will to deal with it. They want to be opened as a hedge fund account, but in fact only about 250k is still investable, an can only go down, as no new subscriptions could be accepted. Also, investors have no voting rights and right of redemptions, but redemptions are possible if I approve them.
What would you advise.
I am resident of a non EU European country and I hold all voting shares through another European off shore co.
Bank account is not so necessary, but also needed in mid term, as the current bank is winding down (voluntary liquidation and based on payments processed I can confirm they have the money).
I would need an international stock broker account for a Cayman Ltd company. I would prefer IBKR, but as I told them that the company is an SPV from a former fund, they complicated everything so much, that I do not have nor concentration nor will to deal with it. They want to be opened as a hedge fund account, but in fact only about 250k is still investable, an can only go down, as no new subscriptions could be accepted. Also, investors have no voting rights and right of redemptions, but redemptions are possible if I approve them.
What would you advise.
I am resident of a non EU European country and I hold all voting shares through another European off shore co.
Bank account is not so necessary, but also needed in mid term, as the current bank is winding down (voluntary liquidation and based on payments processed I can confirm they have the money).