Crypto to crypto are still included in bookkeeping. But as you correctly mention the tax trigger at the moment is the conversion to fiat
Imagine I move to Cyprus next year. In 2021 I must pay taxes in my country of origin for the profits that I made in crypto during 2020.
Imagine I have made 100k. And during 2021 or in 2022, I decided to convert USDT to EUR and receive a transfer to my current account.
I have already pay taxes for this 100k to my country of origin on 2020 Taxes Return, but as is a taxable event -the unique- in Cyprus convert crypto to fiat, should I have to pay again for these profits? I shouldn't, but I prefer asking and not be taxed twice for the same profits and when Tax Authorities see a deposit in your bank coming from a crypto exchange could be problematic even already have been paid for these profits previously.
In case of not paying again, imagine the same example,. I made 100k during 2020, pay taxes in my country of origin, and make another 100k during 2021 already being resident in Cyprus this year. I have 200k in any exchange and decided to return 150k. In this case I should have to pay taxes only for 50k when I fill my taxes Return on 2022 in Cyprus. I guess should be at this way. Hope someone can clarify me this point.
I have read that profits generated trading securities are tax free -stocks, bonds, stock options, futures and other assets-. My doubt is if trading stocks or indexes through CFDS are tax free as well? And index options?
Thanks in advance!