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Best location for a foundation


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Nov 24, 2019
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Hello gents,

nice to meet you.
I’m looking to setup a foundation (I was proposed Luxembourg and Liechtenstein) where I can receive funds from one company I work for as IT specialist (this company is offshorein order to protect the assets (mainly will buy real estates and do some financial investments) and separate those from my person (even if I live in a tax free country).
I was proposed to set it up in Luxembourg and Liechtenstein but I’m not totally sure as I’ve the following requirements:

1. Foundation has to be untouchable.
2. I will be the beneficiary of it.
3. Strong and stable jurisdiction (not most cheap/common offshore solutions).
4. Tax free or min. tax.

I’m not looking for crazy cheap options, I’m ok to pay the right amount.

thank you so much for the attention
Protected against Civil or Criminal ? For Civil, try South Dakota or Wyoming
To protect yourself from tax authorities is almost impossible unless you move to Luxembourg or Switzerland or do anything dark. It's not possible any longer to hide behind foundations and corps. like it was 3 years back. Time has changed no one is able to do that any longer unless they are willing to move from their home country in a tax beneficial country.

I agree there are still waterholes as we speak but wait a few years maybe just 1 year from now and you will se them dry as the dessert. New tools need to come on the table and new currencies like crypto & Gold are the ways to move assets today. Forget about tax heaven they are dinosaurs from the past.
Go speak with a local tax adviser. Check and see if you have any of the major international firms represented locally, such as Vistra, Grant Thornton, or Appleby.

Unless you plan to move to tax haven, your home jurisdiction law will apply to you and should be obeyed in a long-term sustainable structure.

I actually already live in a tax heaven but my tax authority isn’t totally fine if I get money from Seychelles.