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Best Time to buy Meta Stock for retail Investor...

troubled soul

Pro Member
Aug 23, 2020
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Seems Meta is highly undervalued....Is it best time to buy??
Social media is here to stay....What are your thought?
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Meta will go even lower if they will continue pushing this metaverse nonsense so wait if you want to buy.

The technology is not yeat at "ready player one" level

Yes I also believe the Meta is joke. Nobody going to use it anyway..... Mark is fighting losing game with that Weird glasses...I do no know how many people will actually use it in everyday life like facebook.
But what about Facebook and instagram ad revenue.....It will grow with or without Meta.....Facebook is money making machine.. hard to require too much man power or capital to run giant social media website.....Profit margin is too high....At this level alone facebook is worth more than $250B +...........Not to forget WhatsApp...WhatsApp is trump card in Mark's empire...
Social media is here to stay
.... but revenue is declining. Sheer user count might be impressive but that does not produce any income. Moreover, almost everybody on Planet Earth has already a social media account, so rapid growth (whichbisnso fundamentally inportant for these companies) is a thing of the past.
Understand the business.model: Without growth all these compnaies are just some badly managed news outlets with a constant decline in revenue from (intrusive) advertisment.
I would not touch Meta at this price.
WhatsApp is trump card in Mark's empire...
Same here: Impressive user count with comparetivly lackluster revenue.
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FB is a dying social network used only by boomers, managed using a dysfunctional corporate governance structure by a dictator that has majority of the voting rights and can't be fired. Hence he's taking giant risks and burns tens of billions to build some VR software that nobody wants to use.

Good luck to all the punters, as much as I hate crypto I think you have higher risk:reward buying BTC

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