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e.g. Italian codice fiscale is deterministically generated from your name and birth date (I'm not 100% sure but almost sure ;)) or other countries have simple code including birth date and checksum
I think there is a way to verify the codice fiscale, but anyone (real or imaginary person) can obtain it without being a fiscal resident (same in Portugal).
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Hi folks, I happen to know insides and out of Italy

Codice fiscale is easy to calculate but also can be verified easily if trully valid (i.e. if it is approved/exists in the central tax authority database or not)
To get it you can get it even as a non-resident physically in Italy with some good execuse (in the past it was no questions asked but now they bug extensively)
Or you can get it in any Italian consulate with an another type of good excuse works almost 99% of time. If you just have no motivation they don't give you.
Unless it is not officially released it passes formal checks in apps etc i.e. it is programatically correct but it will be invalid on a check in central registry
Hope this helps clear your doubts

Regarding EMIs etc, any EMI nowadays, catholic or ortodox, asks for a residence permit together with a PoA. This is more difficult to get right with replicas or other suggestions I read
Because if it was easy then why not use directly a passport replica...so makes little sense.
I guess it's a factor to consider before, but maybe just me not up to date with the latest trends :)

How so? Are there any downsides to it if one doesn't live in Italy? Do you mind explaining?
no downsides. You can have it without being a tax resident in Italy if you have a valid motivation. But if your use case is just to feed it to an EMI I guess bigger problem is residence permit they will ask...
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I just would like to have one to open local bank accounts. Would it work?
Local you mean in a local brick and mortar ITA bank?
You would need a physical card of codice fiscale thus it would have to be an "officially" given one
If a non-resident bank account: specific motivation / reasons why you need it, turnover etc. Subject to approval of the bank, difficult
If a resident account: you need also an ID card issued locally, residence permit,mere utility bill is irrelevant (local ID card mandatory in 99% of banks)

If local but online bank, the final verification is done by making a deposit from another ITxxxxxxx bank acocunt in your name previosuly opened in a brick and mortar bank to your new account and thus will be practically impossible if it is your first account and you will not be able to complete the procedure at the last step (even if you got creative with the docs beforehand, etc...).

So locally I actually see only two ways, a slow grind of trying to get a non-resident, costly and difficult to approve account or moving to ITA and living for some time, making all the paperwork even the local ID card, opening the accounts and then moving somewhere else (nothing prevents you from leaving and rellocating X times whenever you want)
Not to mention that CRS would legally not be applicabe to these residential accounts, but you probably already know that ;)
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Do they still issue the codice fiscale physical card? As today it’s incorporated in the tessera sanitaria.
in some specific cases yes, they do:
-for CFs requested in consulates abroad
-by "request of a card duplicate" in case where the person is not censored in local ASL database (i.e. the corresponding entry does not exist since the person never got 'recorded' in ASL)
-specific cases of non-residents, even when Italian nationals

hope detailed enough for a public forum. Enjoy
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it's not a physical card - the consulate sends you PDF by email
at the moment of request they print you out a PDF or send you via email.
After 1-2 months the consulate will receive a physical card, most people never bug to pick it up and I guess most consulates even don't bug to call people to let them know it arrived.
However for opening bank account in brick and mortar banks generally they won't accpet paper one, especially if it is more than 6 months old and not stamped in Italy. Even if they can check the validity online etc..even the fact CF doesn't change the whole life...it's just like that: in practice most of the time you're turned down by the staff to just go and get this sorted out first and return..sometime
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Heared a case of a guy who was turned down even if he had CF printed on the residence permit which was plastic and valid, they insisted on tessera sanitaria or this CF card and would not "trust" the police/Questura issued document lol.
Was needed to get a local SIM card. So not refused by a bank or some gov insitution....refused by a simple shop for a SIM card lol

I don't have this experience (in about 5 cases) but you certainly could be right...
could always be a particularity of that consulate you deal with....but try to ask the consular informally whether they receive anything. Since when request is made an address is entered in the IT system (this I know for sure), if they enter their of the consulate as domicile the card should be sent there, was caseas far as I can remember.
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