ideally within the same bank.
I'm not aware of any Georgian bank or Kyrgy bank in any tier-1 jurisdiction. Is there any?
ideally within the same bank.
there are lot's around here on OCT - @CyprusLaw @CyprusLawyer101 @CyprusBusiness @James TurnerDo share please
UK banks or Swiss banks who will open accounts for Georgian entity
I respectfully disagree. If you need specific help, depending on your intended usage / how much you will keep on average, I can make some intros. It's more about who you know at those banks and whether you are willing to pay slightly more expensive fees than what you would pay for Revolut, than showing up with a lot of money.These days it's hard to open a UK bank account for a UK LTD, i imagine how easy would be to open for a Georgian LLC unless you show up with a lot of £££££££