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Dane with some Crypto bucks


New member
Feb 11, 2021
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Hi there everybody

Im a EU Citizen (Denmark to be precise), with a normal day job in Denmark, and no intentions of moving.

My day job pays the bills for my wife and kids, and we live a good life.

Over the last couple of months, I have seen my crypto portfolio gain in value, by my Account significant - and I’m starting to look into how I can get them to grow even more. This brings me to the reason for me joining up here.
The tax on crypto is high in Denmark, and I get taxed even if I reinvest them again, so I’m looking into how I can minimize this tax – I will of course pay my tax when I take out the money, forbuying icecreams for the kids.

So I will look around in here, see if I can find the answer, or maybe I will drop a question or 2 ;)
Welcome aboard, enjoy your stay thu&¤#
What exchange did you buy your crypto on, and are you holding them on a exchange or you'r own wallet?

Most danes don't pay taxes on crypto even though it's the law, SKAT really have no way too enforce it.
What exchange did you buy your crypto on, and are you holding them on a exchange or you'r own wallet?

Most danes don't pay taxes on crypto even though it's the law, SKAT really have no way too enforce it.
Hi there

I bought some at Etoro, and i know they are taxed, since Etore informes the Danish Tax authorities. I have bought some at Coinbase and Binance, most is in my own wallets, have some at Binance for staking and trading though. Looking into using Crypto.com as well, but havent come that far yet.
You know if they share information with Skat ?

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