I believe in luck but luck is not enough to get the success. You have to do also hard work. If both are working together then definitely you will get success.
I personally do not believe in luck. I believe that every thing that happens has a fixed probability of occurring and maybe people fall on the better end of the probability scale. But I don't think that you are born as lucky or non-lucky and that is how your life is defined.
I believe in luck. But at the same time, like a lot members here, I don't think it's enough to depend on luck alone to attain success in life. You really have to sacrifice a lot of time and effort on your part in order for you to achieve your goals.
You know when I saw this topic I just smiled and thought to my self this will be a really interesting one to read! I have the best and worse luck in streaks. I was once hired as an international English teacher for a college in a place that would have been pretty cool to work in. Just before I could go there working visas were canceled in that country do to conflicts in a nearby place. I had been waiting and waiting to get this job and then when I did finally got it I couldn't go. This is only one example! I have a weird sort of good/bad luck thing going on so I do believe it exists.
Im the same exact way! That's crazy that you said that. I have terrible luck, but every since i was a child i naturally knew the business world like the back of my hand.
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