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Estonia E- Resident company vs Freezone UAE


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Aug 22, 2018
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Does anyone here have an Estonian E resident company?

Ive recently set up a freezone company in UAE and attaining visas for Dubai.
I have a project management company with my wife. She specializes in DLT technology projects and i do Oil/Gas project management, inspection and auditing for subsea equipment for extraction.
We both dont live anywhere and have zero assets. We prefer to travel and sit on beaches in far away places than enter into the consumerism trap. Property included.

My question is the following:
We are becoming residents of Dubai and also looking to open an Estonian company and looking for anyone thats done this to find out about the process and the pros and cons.

The UAE freezone company we have set up is a better option i feel than an offshore company and all we have to do is enter Dubai once in 183 days to keep the visa valid. But im worried that it sounds too good to be true and there has to be a catch on it but i shall see. My wife is saying the Estonian process is also good but i want more information on it because its in EU and i dont trust the EU.
Welcome aboard, thanks for your nice review seems you have some sort of experience.
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Welcome aboard, thanks for your nice review seems you have some sort of experience.
Thanks. It is an interesting forum. I am looking to learn if anything. But always on hand to give advice.
Some of the threads here are interesting. Some people probably spending the same amount of money on running and hiding than what they would be paying on tax with a company set up where they live.

My first advice is don't mess around in UAE with 180 day rule. Just don't ever do it. You use a passport to enter country so they know when you enter or left the emirate. Depending which side of the bed Dubai's ruler wakes up laws can change literally overnight with little warning so be prepared for this. There is far too many ppl claiming to live in UAE but spend no time there - easy target ;).

Estonia company is easy to setup and operate for simple selling or consulting business if clients in Europe. Dubai residency and Estonia company is a very good setup. Only issue is Estonia company has limited banking options. In order to pay yourself a dividend from it you need to have an Estonian bank account. To get an Estonia bank account you have only one real option which is LHV bank as a non-resident. You will need to visit the bank in person also. This ultimately means you are reduced to paying yourself a board member salary which is not the most tax efficient way compared to a dividend.:(

In the end you may just prefer to stick with the FTZ company.;)
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Thanks for that Martin,
I dont mind the Middle East. I lived in Saudi for a number of years and if you earn alright money life is like a holiday there.
I can generate good business there anyways so if i do so i wont so much need to travel.
Thanks for that Martin,
I dont mind the Middle East. I lived in Saudi for a number of years and if you earn alright money life is like a holiday there.
I can generate good business there anyways so if i do so i wont so much need to travel.

That's good news so you understand the basics of Shariah law and some Arabic thu&¤#. Just ensure you spend decent time there as that 1 day in 18o nonsense is about to be closed. ;)
@Nauticalnomad, how did things work out for you with Estonian company setup?
I would like to do something similar.
My current tax residency is austria, I am looking to move to uae.

My tax advisor is absolutely certain that the 20% Estonia tax does not apply to my freelance business as I am to be taxed in austria.
But when moving to UAE and proving that company is run from there it should ALSO be taxed in UAE (0%).

As Estonia company seems easier to manage and has less cost for me this sound like a great deal so I am checking the forums for opinions.