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Germany only country where you can buy a car with 20K euro in Cash?


Pro Member
Jun 19, 2016
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I just read somewhere that it is possible to buy a car or other stuff with 20,000 euro in cash! Is Germany the only country where this is possible or are most countries accepting that much money in cash?
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I just read somewhere that it is possible to buy a car or other stuff with 20,000 euro in cash! Is Germany the only country where this is possible or are most countries accepting that much money in cash?

I don't know about any other country in EU allowing that however in Germany you can pay much more than 20k in cash - e.g. friend of mine bought a car worth 55k EUR in cash recently from a professional car seller. He just signed a statement that the money doesn't come from criminal source :-). Germany is socially going down but in some ways they are still sane enough.
If that is possible Germany is great. All this shitty control of our spending while we have to use Wire Transfer or credit cards to pay for s**t is insane. I hate this and only pay in cash if possible. I don't want to be part of a country that look me up in the a*s 24/7
In the Scandinavian countries this is also possible however making a cash deposit into a bank with anything over 1000 Euros follows with a bunch of questions. I suspect some car dealerships might insist the money is transferred via a bank account which would pose a problem if your mind is set on a specific car only available at one of those dealerships.
In Financial Times I read that it is prohibitedibit in Denmark to pay in cash for almost anything above 10 DKK ~ 1340€ ja334¤¤# more Scandinavian countries will follow soon.

This world is going crazy soon.
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Not buying stuff is the perfect solution to fight back until they introduce deeply negative interest rates as the economy slows. I am talking -3% interest rates on savings accounts will be normal.

Metals will be a solution but governments will make it near on impossible to transact in metals. They will simply not let the public hoard wealth outside their control and that is the point of eliminating cash and creating asset registers of property, safety deposit boxes etc. When the time comes and it will come they will simply confiscate your wealth. People will scream for a few weeks like in Cyprus but there will be nothing you can do to fight back. The amount of people that will be f**ked in the a*s when this happens it makes sense to buy stock now in Johnson & Johnson - the makers of K-Y Jelly damn_(.
Not buying stuff is the perfect solution to fight back until they introduce deeply negative interest rates as the economy slows. I am talking -3% interest rates on savings accounts will be normal.

Metals will be a solution but governments will make it near on impossible to transact in metals. They will simply not let the public hoard wealth outside their control and that is the point of eliminating cash and creating asset registers of property, safety deposit boxes etc. When the time comes and it will come they will simply confiscate your wealth. People will scream for a few weeks like in Cyprus but there will be nothing you can do to fight back. The amount of people that will be f**ked in the a*s when this happens it makes sense to buy stock now in Johnson & Johnson - the makers of K-Y Jelly damn_(.
I agree so much with you! The financial world will change and not to the good nai¤%
Not buying stuff is the perfect solution to fight back until they introduce deeply negative interest rates as the economy slows. I am talking -3% interest rates on savings accounts will be normal.

Metals will be a solution but governments will make it near on impossible to transact in metals. They will simply not let the public hoard wealth outside their control and that is the point of eliminating cash and creating asset registers of property, safety deposit boxes etc. When the time comes and it will come they will simply confiscate your wealth. People will scream for a few weeks like in Cyprus but there will be nothing you can do to fight back. The amount of people that will be f**ked in the a*s when this happens it makes sense to buy stock now in Johnson & Johnson - the makers of K-Y Jelly damn_(.

In context of your post I don't understand even more your negative stance when it comes to crypto. Yes, crypto doesn't have any "physical" underlying value (like the golden standard back in the old times) but this is (and will be the more) replaced by the willingness and necessity to use it for everyday life in the dark future you're talking here about. Crypto doesn't solve all the problems and those bastards will always fight against when you try to spend it for real world stuff (just because they can) but it's a really solid ground for complex solutions that will inevitable come.
Speaking about fundamental value for currency... what kind of value do dollar or euro have? Yes, there is something real behind but is it that big and that stable to justify printing fake papers and hope for better future... I don't think so
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In context of your post I don't understand even more your negative stance when it comes to crypto.

I understand your point but I must separate blockchain technology (Distributed Ledger Technology) from crypto currencies. Crypto currencies is where I see the problem. Governments fear loss of control and trying to fight governments irrational fear of crypto is like trying to fight a bear in the woods at night with a toothbrush while naked. There is no chance of winning against government. They will not play by rule book when it comes to fear just look at US and its fear or 5g in hands of Huawei, Russiaphobia etc etc. It is all irrational behavior due to fear of loss of control. That's where crypto currencies creates the problem. The autonomous no central authority nature of crypto makes it enemy number one if it ever tried to make inroads. Especially if it attempts to make inroads into the traditional fiat system.

Whether you hate crypto or are a crypto maximalist you have to face reality. Crypto can never be a store of value. It is purely speculation. Crypto is like Tesla both have a cult like following that silences dissenting voices . However Tesla makes no business sense as a company and so does crypto make no sense as money.

The moment of truth will come when crypto to fiat exchanging is banned by governments and it continues to keep most of its purchasing power. Only under that test can it be considered a true alternative.
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The moment of truth will come when crypto to fiat exchanging is banned by governments and it continues to keep most of its purchasing power. Only under that test can it be considered a true alternative.
true but say there will continue to be a bank or to in on or another country that is willing to let the money exchange float from Crypto to Fiat then the Crypto would be the No.1 tool to fight governments and all their shitty tax rules.
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Whether you hate crypto or are a crypto maximalist you have to face reality. Crypto can never be a store of value. It is purely speculation. Crypto is like Tesla both have a cult like following that silences dissenting voices . However Tesla makes no business sense as a company and so does crypto make no sense as money.

I agree with your opinion on Tesla but it's not a good analogy to cryptocurrencies.
Anyway I hope that you support your strong opinion with massive short position on both Tesla stock (easy to do) and cryptocurrencies (not that easy, but possible I guess) :-D

I think that the point of transformation of crypto to fiat or goods is fully under control of governments and is the biggest threat for the future of crypto. Yet I don't believe that all the freedom addicts in the world will just shut up and accept the loss of control of our lives.
true but say there will continue to be a bank or to in on or another country that is willing to let the money exchange float from Crypto to Fiat then the Crypto would be the No.1 tool to fight governments and all their shitty tax rules.

If US said tomorrow crypto to Fiat transactions are banned in US then every bank in the world will follow suite. There is no choice or discussion for banks to have even in desert islands. How many banks defy US sanctions and allow North Koreans to open accounts?
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Anyway I hope that you support your strong opinion with massive short position on both Tesla stock (easy to do) and cryptocurrencies (not that easy, but possible I guess) :-D

I do have a decent sized short position I keep rolling over. Tesla is not a company but a high school science project. Even a blind mouse can be given $12bn to produce an electric vehicle and could do better. Tesla has no value even the battery technology it uses is from Panasonic its a joke. Also look at the competition is faces from real car companies that are coming on stream with electric vehicles. Tesla is nothing more than an Elon Musk vanity project smi(&%
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I do have a decent sized short position I keep rolling over. Tesla is not a company but a high school science project. Even a blind mouse can be given $12bn to produce an electric vehicle and could do better. Tesla has no value even the battery technology it uses is from Panasonic its a joke. Also look at the competition is faces from real car companies that are coming on stream with electric vehicles. Tesla is nothing more than an Elon Musk vanity project.

I agree it's obvious and if nothing else the competition makes it crystal clear
Do you like Tesla @Martin Everson :Drof/%

Are there other countries which still allow to pay in cash with big sums?
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Privately you can transact as much as you want anywhere. Many people buy cars from private sellers in classifieds in cash. The only issue with such cash transactions comes when seller tries to put that cash into a bank. If private seller doesn't go near banks then no issue. However you still would be breaking the law in some countries by doing cash transaction over a certain limit so keep that in mind.
Do you like Tesla @Martin Everson :Drof/%

Are there other countries which still allow to pay in cash with big sums?
UAE - You can still pay large sums of cash into the bank here, or pay for items in cash.
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