That's actually a good idea, you just need an agent / consultancy firm that is located in HK or that is able to open real bank account on mass! Then again, you will still need to get approved by the bank once you take over the company and they may again require you to come visit the bank! But maybe there is a service provider that can do that I have no idea.hmm ... what if the agent would be (or provide a) director who opens the bank account and than the LTD is sold INCLUDING a bank account? The new director would just need to go to the bank and provide his/her signature.
This seems to be a new business strategy for some of us.Well, OK ... if someone is director of a brand new company, opens a bank account (say with Heng Seng in HK) and than sells that company before it actually makes business, he should get away with it. Questions is, how often ... That might depend on what the new company owners do with the company (OK business, no business or bad things)