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Question I need to "save" my assets from a rotten government and a s**t country.

Wow that's interesting. Thank you for sharing

Though, did you have to pay that much? Other poster says

I get it if you're in hurry, fleeing Russia or something but otherwise cost is like $500. No need to pay $20K. Am I mistaken?
Yup and you can do it in your spare time. Just email you local consulate for instructions.
I hope I get rich enough to pay $20K to remove some slight inconvenience :D
With that said, bureaucracy is certainly annoying
understanding the fact that virtually everything is relative and people have different personal preferences is the good first step to get rich (as you say)
slight inconvenience for one might easily be no go for another - both might be genuine and be "right" at the same time

this is the reason why states are pure evil and democracy not any different from dictatorship