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I want to do online shopping but i don't have a credit card, can i get a virtual CC f


Offshore Agent
Sep 12, 2009
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do not want to have a regular credit card. Pls. suggest some options for online transactions. i do have a bank account, can it be used to get a virtual credit card for one time usage ? Please help.
I never used any credit cards for my online purchase before. I am using paypal whenever I want to buy something on the internet. It is so easy to get it an account with them. You could fund Paypal with your money from your bank account.

How do you want to pay the amount of the virtual credit card?

Without a bank account and not wanting to use paypal, having trouble with alertpay and moneybookers (if I read all your latest posts)...
wildy said:
How do you want to pay the amount of the virtual credit card?

Without a bank account and not wanting to use paypal, having trouble with alertpay and moneybookers (if I read all your latest posts)...
:D :D LOL!!

Well pointed out. Lili562 doesn't want to use a credit card, paypal, moneybookers, alertpay..........and doesn't even have a bank account. First of all, How will you buy the VCC. Then if you manage to buy it......how will you credit it??:tinysmile_shutup_t2:tinysmile_shutup_t2
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