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Internet & online business


Offshore Agent
Oct 14, 2009
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Hi friend do you think the internet and online business especially are becoming more and more important. If so what is the reason? In my opinion it is true. It is simply because people are starting to see the true benefits of the web consumers are starting to trust the web more and more importantly, the start up costs for a onlinebusiness are next to nothing compared to the offline world of business start ups. The only set back most people run into when wanting to start one of their own online business is how and where to get started. There are some obstacles and I was up against when I first ventured into the online world of business.
It is important for any business in todays world to be online, meaning be on the Internet and be visible, if you miss this you have slept under a rock and you won't be successfull with your business.

Everythone should know this and it can't be stressed enough to make people aware of this..... if you have an business where you sell services or products which can be sold through the internet then you have to be there.
Just an addition to what you already said that you could sell to other countries so that your market is much larger compared to that of an online business. This would mean more profit for you.
You need to get the necessary, specialized training and put your business knowledge you have chosen together. This will help your success. Now, you may find the competition down to a hundred or less, this will make your site easier to manage the competition.
pkc3000 said:
Hi friend do you think the internet and online business especially are becoming more and more important. If so what is the reason? In my opinion it is true. It is simply because people are starting to see the true benefits of the web consumers are starting to trust the web more and more importantly, the start up costs for a onlinebusiness are next to nothing compared to the offline world of business start ups. The only set back most people run into when wanting to start one of their own online business is how and where to get started. There are some obstacles and I was up against when I first ventured into the online world of business.
Yeah, agreed with you, businesses in online world takes up less investment compared to real world businesses.

By the way what was your first venture? Please share what you learn from it. Thanks! :)
If a company doesn't have a website, I don't take them seriously, but it's more than that.

What type of website do they have?

Does it look professional? Do all the links work? Are there coding issues, What's the webcopy like? Is the UI done well? etc.

While people think that it takes a smaller investment to start & run a website, don't be fooled. It takes a lot of work to find professional graphic web designers, website coders, maintain any site & then deal with marketing like SEO or PPC. SEO alone costs a lot & there's way too many charlatans out there peddling their services. Then you have to have ongoing content.

Unless you are very lucky & your site goes viral, just plopping up a site isn't going to get you anywhere. You need traffic, & then you need that traffic to convert.

People assume that just b/c people land on your site you will suddenly make a sale. Nothing could be further from the truth unless you just happen to be selling some item that everyone suddenly wants & can't get anywhere else.

I've been a netrepreneur for years.

Internet business or known as the e-commerce is one of the best strategy that a certain organization or business. more revenue will be generated and income but less in expenses.
I agree, but anyone who sells a newbie false hope that creating a business online is easy either doesn't know what they are talking about, or is one of the many scammers online.

It takes a lot of dedication & knowledge to create a business online & it's not cheap either, not unless you have friends or family who know what they are doing & are willing to work for you for free for the next X years or they are willing to work for you until you are making so much money that you can afford to hire others.

Which brings me to my next point. I'd guesstimate that only about 15% of anyone online peddling their services knows what they are talking about. The rest are people who lie about their skills, or they are just living in a dreamworld b/c some person (friend or family member) told them over & over again that they are sooo great.

Only another person in that industry can judge another programmer or graphic web designer. Someone who knows nothing about what's good & bad shouldn't be judging.

These people bask in the adoration & then think they are king & some are, but the rest aren't.

These people taught themselves with a few quick courses or books & didn't teach themselves correctly, went to some college & learned from some out of date teacher, or learned years ago & didn't care enough to keep their skills up-to-date, so everything they do is 3-5 years old which is like 10-20 years old in IT terms.

The net changes so fast, that if a person isn't smart enough & diligent enough to learn the next new version of code or the next new SEO algorithm or SM application, they are as good as dead.

I'm not saying that you have to go to school to learn all of this, but there's just way too many wannabees & amateurs out there. They either rip the companies off on purpose or they think they know what they are doing & they don't. Or they learn from some book online that is also out of date.

Many a company (including me) has wasted tons of money hiring someone who talked a good talk & in the end their code was terrible, their designs looked nothing like their portfolio, they didn't edit well if they were an editor, screwed up the site SEO wise so the site got banned from Google, & the list goes on. Then we have to hire someone new to either fix the other problem or do it all over from scratch again.

That's one of the biggest drawbacks to having a business online if you don't have a brick & mortar one. There are other HR issues as well. Don't get me started LOL
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