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Investor to Parenthood Path


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Jun 22, 2020
Tropic of Cancer
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Recently I’ve been thinking about the emotional voids that we try and fill with work.

For many years I have been partially retired and investing in new entrepreneurs, allowing them to grow their enterprise and personal fortunes with my allocation of time and resources, when I invest in someone, I give them my all, and have personally made dozens of multi-millionaires and allowed hundreds of people to live a standard lifestyle on 6 figure salaries all across the globe.

While the process is ongoing, I’ve always felt needed and this has allowed me to fill any personal emotional voids I have had. During the lockdown, I’ve had time to reflect and look back. While I do not stay in contact with my entrepreneurs, I currently have a couple of personal assistants who I aim to have trained and placed into a better organization that will allow them to personally develop and do the stuff they enjoy, not just assist me in my day to day living.

I was considering single parenthood via medical intervention (procurement of DNA, and a surrogate carrier) so that I did not repeat the same process that leaves me with the void. The money doesn’t fill the void, it just eases the pain. I’ve had a lot of deaths in the family over the past couple of years and a lot of my best associates have perished to the ways of the world, and I feel that bringing a life into this world would fill the void but I’d be inadequate as I’ve not sculpted the world to be a fit place for future generations and that the time I spend investing in others, is really time I should be spending on personal development instead of just working and investing on people and projects who will most likely succeed but never fill the void.

What are your opinions on this? Any angel investors here that decided to focus on parenthood?
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You can get best of both world.
Why are you not doing both things together?
Keep making money half day and other half day for Parenthood Path.

But Keep in mind
Ugly truth = "parenthood is thankless job"
True Human emotional connection = You're getting hurt emotionally
Find some hobby related to art which you enjoy the most. You can bury yourself with that work. You enjoy life at fullest You do not required anybody to fill your void life. and enjoy life.
You can be next Great scientist ,painter or anything .Colonel Sanders started kfc at very late years of his life. Human connection you always getting hurt end of the day. No matter how much you put effort.
Human species are crazy. They do not value things that got easily. Only work will full fill you and giving you true happiness without getting hurt. Make your business is single your pleasure . Your life will be different. Do not water time on philosophical/bookish things, You are going to regret it. It does not help you in real world.

Sorry for my bad English. Hope you get what are you trying to say


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Money will never fill the void, training other entrepreneurs will also never bring the same sense of meaning and purpose that having your own children will.

You cannot change the world. You can only slightly improve the world if you are very capable and lucky.

You can mostly just change yourself. But the biggest impact you can have is raising good children. If even a fraction of intelligence is hereditary, the world needs more smart people having more children. And we need the next generation of kids to be raised with good values.

Kids desperately need fathers these days, real male role models who are involved in their upbringing and whom they can look up to and learn from. Not sure what can be done about that in your situation, and it's not my place to lecture you.

But it seems to me like you would be a great mother.
It would be ideal to have two parents to raise a child. Business and family history teaches me that it’s very unlikely to be able to establish a Union and relationship that will allow both parties to feel comfortable committing to a development plan and sticking to it for so long (21 years) without trying to minimize inputs or dominate the input. They either want to fully dominate or free ride.

Unfortunately with children, you pour your heart and emotion into that, so when the other party doesn’t follow the plan, you have to take over or fight. A constant power struggle, with incompatible parties, even when both parties are compatible, compromises have to be made, which may not be in the best interests of achieving what you want or what is best for the child, no different than an enterprise.

Sorry if I’m not making much sense, had a lot to drink this evening,
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