Yes, that’s what I mean. There are lots of such options.
But my customer may not want to do business with someone from the UAE. I’m hearing similar issues from friends who have married Russian women and moved to Russia.
Everything is completely legal, there is substance etc. - but if they tell their client “I live in Russia, here’s my Russian company,” they would be shown the door.
So you set up a nice entity like a UK LLP to face the client - but that company will obviously not be paying UK taxes.
So can the client’s tax office demand to see proof of the substance in the UK?
If you have to tell them “Well, there is none, everything is in the UAE,” your client may feel betrayed - even if you never discussed where you live. Simply because they don’t like the country. Believe it or not, many people are against the UAE because of human rights issues, lack of taxes etc.
The client’s country may also consider the UAE (or Panama or whichever country you choose) to be high risk. So maybe then they would start an even bigger audit because they think they may find something. Which they won’t because the client does everything by the book - but it will still be a hassle and cost money.
I’d just like to know if I’m overthinking this or if it would make sense to create some sort of substance, so that one can get a tax residency
certificate. Like a US corporation or some other company which can be used to bill the client, but which won’t have any significant profits because everything will just be paid to the offshore entity (UAE company etc.).