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Nevis and Wise (EMI)

Wise will not accept Nevis LLC.

For other EMIs, as the old cliche goes:
1. Where do you live?
2. What is your nationality?
3. What is your business?
4. What is the annual volume?
;) ;) ;)
5. What currencies you need to operate with?
6. Presuming you want to perform international payments, what are the countries affected? Do you need also local payments somewhere of just SWIFT?
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Live in Philippines.
Need as many currencies as possible. Ideally at least USD, GBP, CAD, AUD
The annual volume / turnover expected? :)

Anyway, try to speak e.g. with Interpolitan Money.
Thank you I’ll try them.
You are welcome.
Approx 500k
Well, in such a case you can also try e.g. 3smoney.

And – but perhaps as the last resort, as you would suffer from FX – you can always try Verifo. Just beware that although they transact in all currencies that you are asking for (and some more), all the assets are stored in EUR, so 2xFX with any transaction in your case.

Unfortunate about Wise. I find them pretty good
To be honest, it is nice to hear that Wise is working well – sometimes ;).
(I guess that my general attitude to Wise/Revolut is quite known at this forum /if you wonder, look e.g. here If Wise is going to close accounts and is not the best, how diversify the money? / ).
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