What the hell...CESOP?
This isn't just for VAT purposes. This is starting of EU version of
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In brief
As of 1 January 2024, Payment Service Providers, established in the EU, will be required to keep electronic records of payment data for cross-border payments and report this information to local tax authorities. Local Tax authorities will ,in turn, exchange these data with a newly established central EU database called Central Electronic System of Payment Information (‘CESOP’). Each Member State’s tax authorities will have access to, allowing an authorized group of people (called ‘Eurofisc liaison officers’) to process and analyze those data for fraud purposes.
The PSP Directive has been introduced as part of an EU-wide regime to detect and combat VAT fraud within the framework of the digital economy, considering the difficulties in taxing cross-border e-commerce transactions in the digital era.
I. To whom these new rules apply?
The new rules are aimed at all PSPs who fall within the definition of PSP, as outlined in the PSD2
Directive. In principle this includes:
• credit institutions
• payment institutions
• electronic money institutions, and
• post office giro institutions
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Get out of the EU while you still can