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NEW VIDEO - The world is Government by people that want to control your live!


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2008
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Hello wonderful forum members,

He on the last steps before we enter 2021 we have release our second video which we hope you find to be interesting and will comment with good and bad, also please share, like etc. the video if you don't mind.

Enjoy watching, the next video will go in production very soon and will be different then the first two.
Just watched that video on the homepage, I thought the trick here was using homeless people to open bank accounts, not make videos for you?
You feel he looks that bad? rof/%
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Haha well maybe not homeless but a little unkempt.
what ... are you living under the rock ? ... how dare you? :)) that's just a new "business" look in a new world order, a world where the rule of law, not the rule of jungle governs the conduct of nations ... just check david de rothschild, jack dorsey, VC tech bros ... and the list goes on and on ...
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Thank you for your feedback, please keep them coming ;)
In a world with increasing surveillance of the population as well as increasing taxes and energy prices, this forum has never had a better justification than now and the coming future.

We have seen COVID-19 which is one of the world's best examples of how to keep an entire population in check and scare them into doing exactly what the authorities want us to do.

Platforms such as OffshoreCorpTalk have been created for the debate around increasing control of population groups as well as the protection of one's own wealth. We must protect this platform so that in the future we can also have a mouthpiece for the rest of the world.
As a former battlefield warrior (against order followers), I feel we need to stay UNDER the radar and NOT call attention to ourselves. Once that metal door closes behind one of us, nobody is coming to save us, so it's best to stay low, take action, and live free. Battling the "order followers" is such a waste of time and energy. Just my two cents I acquired during "the battle"
Hello wonderful forum members,

He on the last steps before we enter 2021 we have release our second video which we hope you find to be interesting and will comment with good and bad, also please share, like etc. the video if you don't mind.

Enjoy watching, the next video will go in production very soon and will be different then the first two.
Great video. few notes:
Make sure the guy crack some jokes here and there to make the audience relate to him.
Make sure to always use trends and make good use of them (for example: andrew tate's arrest and how people could learn from his mistakes). just look at Henderson's video of him, 100k views, it's trendy, it's somewhat useful. And although I dislike andrew's crappy services where he overcharges you for the sake of it, he is a marketing genius and knows how to attract people, so make use of this info, and if you couldn't (or you don't have the time to) hire a good copywriter to write the video script for you.
make the setting less corporate and more personal, believe it or not, people prefer it that way. Look at @Fred and how he deals with his clients, he is always down for a cup of coffee or just chatting about life, this is the kind of individual people are most attracted to. It's just how it is, so make him more approachable.
Overall, this is a good move, visual content is way more appealing than written content. and will attract new audience (for better or worse).
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