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New World Order - US, Canada, Mexico

Not sure what NWO is possible when Canada, US and Mexico together make up around 6% of the world population.....lol. Article gave me the giggles.
they are going to platwall the world.

I would not have thought that the Middle East is also so greasy (Dubai & Co.)

the russians are on a diet
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North America vows to strengthen economic ties​

Bye-bye, Asia…

Nah, it's all for show.
Look at the s**t show that happened with the Paris agreement, and you will find that you can't fully trust the US with anything. maybe, the only thing that you should trust is the US bipartisan support for Israel and the Golf states, and even then, you will find that these relations are shaky today.
and what about Asia? they are fully independent and can just trade between themselves.
I can't see my self saying bye bye to Singapore, HK, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia..etc any time soon
The EU is also saying "bye bye" to Asia soon.

Sweden's LKAB finds Europe's biggest deposit of rare earth metals​

Swedish state-owned mining company LKAB said on Thursday it had identified mineral resources of more than one million tonnes of rare earth oxides in the Kiruna area, the largest known such deposit in Europe.

Rare earth minerals are essential to many high-tech manufacturing processes and are used in electric vehicles, wind turbines, portable electronics and microphones and speakers.

"This is good news, not only for LKAB, the region and the Swedish people, but also for Europe and the climate," LKAB CEO Jan Mostrom said in a statement. "It could become a significant building block for producing the critical raw materials that are absolutely crucial to enable the green transition."
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