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Non domiciled people tax income in the UK?

Your posting for the sake of posting to increase your post count. Having looked at your post history since joining last month it raises concerns about your real intentions long term. Your actions are being watched so keep that in mind.

You can find out the answer by just googling you did not need to make this post to increase your post count.
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No Martin that's completely false in every way shape or form.

I am asking this question on the offshore forum as I wish to recieve a response that goes into greater detail than the comments that have been posted before, as a result I've given it a post yesterday so I can further my own personal learning.

I am using posts in this forum alongside my own personal research to maximise my opportunities for learning, I hope you share the same belief that this forum is a great place to research such topics as offshore

I have absolutely no malicious intent with any of my posts or comments in any way shape or form, I hope you're able to finally recognise this.
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