I don't care what activity ANYONE is in as long as it isn't activities within the purview
mala in se. And even then, it's up to law enforcement to take the issue to a court to decide if the accusations have merit.
Now, any bank, FI, or person that keeps what doesn't belong to them, should be spared NO mercy because they are thieves. I don't care if the Pope, Biden, Ursula, and the King blessed them and gave them a medal of honor. This self-defeating toxic belief that a bank, FI, EMI, person, or whatever is entitled to keep someone else's money without due process is a mental illness (akin to people in the past or maybe even now believe they are entitled to own slaves), notwithstanding their tiny disclaimer with ink they label TOS. An illegal agreement under the common law of contract, is one that the court will not enforce because the purpose of the agreement is to achieve an illegal end. In this case, the illegal end = use any unilateral ruse to steal money. Imagine being so delusional to believe that some girl or guy sitting in compliance can decide, without due process of law, to keep my money! Yeah... the repercussions of this can't be published but they and those who cover them will NOT enjoy the misappropriation of my labor regardless of what they want to label it as.
To earn money, we exchange our time for money. We give up a piece of our life in exchange for that money. Now, imagine someone trying to STEAL, cut short, a piece of your life..
.Unfiltered self-defense is the ONLY answer!