This was a question for what i got the answer above.
Dear Sir/Madam
Could you please help me to clarify the following points:
Is this XXXX still exists or was it liquidated?
Is it still exists as the registry show, than it must be possible to get a COG and a
POA in order to remove the company of the european ltd structure,
it is not allowed to let a no more existing company in the member structure, the european ltd must withdraw the shares of the IBC XXXX, and to do that
somebody must represent the company for the european company registry court, this is not possible without COG and POA-
Is the company still exists only lost his offshore (tax free status)? form 1th january 2022?
What happens if i dont want to convert it to a local company?
I will never can remove it from the european LTD structure?
Will after a time forced to convert it to a local company from the government?
Please give me short clarification in this points.
Thank you
Best Regards
This is the 2nd answer, what i got, but only get a POA, for existing or respictively (non)existing or no more tax free company,
without any CGS (Certificate of Good Standing) will not be accepted from european company registry court, i asked 2 lawyer
and also the european registry country, registry court in EU said they doesnt go after any documunt,
lawyers said POA+legal opinion (not assued by athority, only IBC register company)+ repeal act from dominica
doesn't enough to remove the company from the european ltd. structure

anybody any idea???
Dear XXX
Thanks for your email.
Yes you may date the document and this will mean that the hes have resigned.
Regarding the POA it needs to be issued some time last year and the cost will determined by how long the validity is. POA for a year is USD 100.00 and because the company was not renewed till 2022 you would also need to pay the nominee services for the year of USD 200.00. You wont need to pay the renewal fees
Best Regards