As a uk resident it's kinda complicated nowadays, corporate tax in uk are very fair tho.If you are looking for privacy consider forming a offshore company
Only the balance sheet is availble on companies House website, not profit and loss statement. You can check it yourself on
Companies House service
There are different accounting standards for micro, smalls and big companies. Transferwise is obviously not a micro or small company, that op and readers on this forums will likely be. Look up any small company.Your wrong what are you talking . You see everything including comprehensive statement of profit and loss.
For example for Transferwise Ltd and see page 15 of Group Company accounts filed 20 Oct 2018 (Filter by selecting "Accounts").
TRANSFERWISE LTD - Filing history (free information from Companies House)
There are different accounting standards for micro, smalls and big companies. Transferwise is obviously not a micro or small company, that op and readers on this forums will likely be. Look up any small company.
Here's a random example:Perhaps show me an example of an active (not dormant) small company with no profit and loss statement. Think logically, how will HMRC know if an active company should pay tax or not without a profit and loss statement being present?
Here's a random example:
500 DEGREES HERNE HILL LTD - Filing history (free information from Companies House)
HMRC will of course still have p&l statement, they don't use companies house website to calculate taxes
like most EU countries they make this public!All your accounts you file will be on public record at companies house. You cannot hide it .