Hello i want the company in low tax country and with little or no annual reports great if blinded public informations about directors etc ,need also emi with sepa iban and no EU resident , Brazilian one
anywhere with almost no taxes , i had USA with Brazilian director and Emi in Europe, but that EMI is closing too many accounts and i feel that mine is the next one, so i am looking for a new solution
could you share what EMI are we talking about here?anywhere with almost no taxes , i had USA with Brazilian director and Emi in Europe, but that EMI is closing too many accounts and i feel that mine is the next one, so i am looking for a new solution
Do you want to buy a company with a nominee, or do you want to have the company transferred to your identity?I want to buy a ready made company with bank or emi sepa
Both the hypothesis could be considered cause i could have a possible nomineeDo you want to buy a company with a nominee, or do you want to have the company transferred to your identity?
I would say UK LLP or Irish LP is your best bet.Both the hypothesis could be considered cause i could have a possible nominee
2.5 k x year including nominee ( 1 k the one i found)Irish would be okI would say UK LLP or Irish LP is your best bet.
What's your max budget?
Does it have public register the Irish LP?2.5 k x year including nominee ( 1 k the one i found)Irish would be ok
Wise is the emi , we sell databases of companies worldwide,
What are you looking further for, just go for it and let us know the outcome.2.5 k x year including nominee ( 1 k the one i found)Irish would be ok
Wise is the emi , we sell databases of companies worldwide,
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