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WANT TO BUY ready made company with bank account

EU? US? China? elswere?
Please be more specific or give us a hint at least
SEPA EMI almost impossible for the Brazilian UBO/director without a permanent EU residency.
anywhere with almost no taxes , i had USA with Brazilian director and Emi in Europe, but that EMI is closing too many accounts and i feel that mine is the next one, so i am looking for a new solution
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anywhere with almost no taxes , i had USA with Brazilian director and Emi in Europe, but that EMI is closing too many accounts and i feel that mine is the next one, so i am looking for a new solution
could you share what EMI are we talking about here?
anyway we need your business description to suggest you smth
EU hits you with VAT issues you have never experienced in the US ))
Not the perfect place, but doable and depends on how you structure your business
2.5 k x year including nominee ( 1 k the one i found)Irish would be ok

Wise is the emi , we sell databases of companies worldwide,
What are you looking further for, just go for it and let us know the outcome.

there are good and skilled providers of such setups on OCT
I want to buy a ready made company with bank or emi sepa
We have for sale - Brand new Crypto Exchange licensed company with Bank accounts and and all financial and legal documents for EMI apply. The company has officially granted Crypto Exchange License on paper and electonical commercial registed. Has rigts to provide exchange and trade services between all virtual and recognized currencies.

With this license, the company can trade/exchange and own in wallets crypto-fiat , fiat-crypto , crypto-crypto without the gold coverage , the license also allows you custodian services.

Sale and transfer of shares to the new owner by distance, no need to come on place. The whole process is via Power of attorney signed by the buyer.

The company is shelf company, the bank accounts are in EUR and BGN - Active with bank Statement, OTP and with clear Financial history - no previous transactions made !
The company has active crypto license since December 2023.
The documents required for transfer of shares are:
- Valid passport from non-black listed countries.
- Proof of residence issued with in the last 3 month
- Clean criminal record
- Standard AML rules
- Apostilled documents

The company has:

- Registered share capital
- State fees paid up
- Can be created web domain and App.
- Can be provided with mobile services
- With this license the company can operate as a digital platform

- All financial and legal documents available for EMI apply

- All documents for sale shares are avilable and ready for sale.

The key features for starting a crypto company in Bulgaria are:

• Lowest corporate income tax in EU – 10%;
• Crypto assets are not subject to VAT;
• No need of big amount of share capital - minimum is EUR 100 ;
• No requirements for dedicated AML officer;
• VAT 20%;
• Personal income tax – 10%;

Authorized companies receive a Certificate of entry in the Register of persons who by occupation provide services for the exchange between virtual currencies (crypto currencies) and recognized currencies without gold cover (fiat), and of the providers of wallets that offer custodian services.
Authorized companies are allowed to provide:
- crypto/fiat exchange services.
- trading in virtual currencies.
- custodian services.

The authorization certificate is issued by the Central office of the National Revenue Agency of Bulgaria.
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