So i was thinking moving back to EU, but no intention to do the 90d resident registration just stay under the radar . ,
Recommend me easiet countrries in EU to Ghost living in . . . Lookin into Romania had a mate lived there 3yr and his work mate for 5yr with no legal registration in the country, sound good . .
Sweden is easy to live years in no reg but to cold and boring !.
I know Spain and Portugal the goverment tracking down people lives there over the 90d rule.
Recommend me easiet countrries in EU to Ghost living in . . . Lookin into Romania had a mate lived there 3yr and his work mate for 5yr with no legal registration in the country, sound good . .
Sweden is easy to live years in no reg but to cold and boring !.
I know Spain and Portugal the goverment tracking down people lives there over the 90d rule.